Neighborhood Alerts FAQs

Q: I’m subscribed to an alert, but not receiving any. What’s going on?

A: Some alerts only happen once in a while, and not all alerts have data coverage in all areas of the United States yet, but we’re adding more all the time. We recommend you stay subscribed.

Q: I am no longer at the same address with which I subscribed. How do I change it?

A: Sign-in to and you will land on your dashboard page. There is an "Edit Address" button underneath your address in the My Property pane.

Q: I think the information I received in an Alert or on an Alert page is incorrect. Can it be fixed?

A: No. Neighborhood Alerts sources all of our data from 3rd parties, and we do not have the ability to change it.

Q: Can I change the geographic area for which I get alerts from around my home?

A: Neighborhood Alerts uses a “smart” system that ensures each alert is about an event that occurred in the relevant proximity to your home. The relevant proximity cannot be changed at this time.

Q: In the alerts I see 'distance from my home'. How is that calculated?

A: This calculation is done as a line between two points, or 'as the crow flies'. So, it will differ from the distance it might take to drive between your home and the alert event.
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